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Info penting: ada percobaan update blog tanggal 22-24 Feb 2025 (Sabtu-Senin). Beberapa fitur mungkin akan berhenti berfungsi sementara waktu. Screenshot lirik dan chord jika digunakan untuk pelayanan.
Communion - Brooke Ligertwood
Key : C

           F C               Am    G
This is communion, Your body bro - ken
              F   C       Am    G
The cup we're drinking is bittersweet
            F     C               Am   G
The gift of friendship, truest salva - tion
              F     C      Am   G
Borne of Your suffering on Calvary

C                 F    G       C
  We remember the sacrifice of love
                F            G       C
We remember the blood poured out for us
                F    G      Am          Gsus   G
We remember the only Son of God upon the cross

C                 F         G      C
  We remember the price You had to pay
                F           G      C
We remember the wounds that made a way
                F        G       Am            Gsus   G
We remember the Lamb for all was slain upon the cross

From stained to spotless, from wrath to favor
Through You, our Savior, the work complete
In full repentance, led by Your kindness
Partake of presence as we receive

How can it be
G           Am
There is a table
    G/B       C
For all who would come
For all who would come

Taste now and see
G           Am
There is a table
    G/B       C
For all who would come
For all who would come
F                       G         Am
  Take of the bread, receive the cup
              G/B   C
For His mercy is enough
For the many and the one
This is communion

F                  G       Am
  Take it as often as you will
                   G/B    C
For His blood has power still
By His wounds we shall be healed
This is communion

Communion (Brooke Ligertwood) (Lirik dan chord) - BukuPujian

Chord sudah diuji ✔

Last updated : Februari 4, 2023
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Blog hobi oleh PacoLemon